Enroll & Download: Write Your Crisis Comms Plan

Get Immediate PR/Crisis Help from Molly

Are you a communicator or PR manager needing to write an official response to a PR crisis? The Indestructible PR® Framework is here to help.

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Why You Need This Framework:

In a crisis, a well-crafted statement can save your reputation. This framework helps you respond swiftly and effectively, whether it's a social media backlash, a corporate scandal, or a reporter calling you for a quote.

Indestructible PR® Framework  

This is the framework I use to write statements for my clients, helping them maintain control during a crisis.

Reclaim Your Reputation

Begin rewriting your side of the story. Calm your critics and start the process of rebuidling. 

Navigate the Crisis

Develop the foundation for a robust response that guides you through your crisis. 

Proven Success Formula

This framework - works! Created by a seasoned crisis communication expert with years of writing official media statements. 

Why Does This Framework, Work? 

This framework is effective because I have been using and refining it since 2007, starting from my time at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Over the years, I’ve honed it through real-world application in various crises, ensuring it’s robust and reliable.

A framework that eliminates conflict.

The Indestructible PR® Framework

Download your free step-by-step guide now and be prepared to respond to your PR crisis.